Tuesday, May 31, 2016

2 1/2 years old

That smile!
Our little man had a check up today. Quite simiply the results of the appointment were exactly as we knew they would be. He is going to be a skinny little dude. He has gotten taller, but he hasn't gained any weight in the last 6 months. I say that knowing that he has been sick in the last two weeks and we have been testing some things with infant/toddler and his eating habits, so really he probably HAS gained weight, but has probably bounced all around with all the things going on in his life. In the last 6 months a lot has changed with our little man, we were able to get him into the infant/toddler program based on him being delayed with his speech. They have also identified that he has some sensory issues that are causing some of his issues with food and also his social issues. All of which are leading us to try many different new things to see how we can help him progress in all areas. He will also begin going to "school" twice a week for 4 hours to help with his speech. 

He is so silly.
Height – 2’11 1/2” – 38th percentile
Weight – 27lbs - 27th percentile
Love this boy!
Mimicing - he quite possibly thinks his big brother is the coolest person alive. If Lucas is doing something, Coby is too.
"Some" - as I mentioned his vocabulary is very limited, but all drinks to him are "some". If that's all we gave him, he would be a happy camper.
Outside - he'd live out there all day and all night if we'd let him. He hates getting dirty in every way, excpet for when he is outside. If he is outside bring on the dirt.
Hot dogs - this might be his absolute favorite thing in the world to eat... not the healthest thing in the world... but for him it's amazing!
Sesame Street Songs - he doesn't stop for many things, he is very mobile. But if we turn on his "songs" the kid will stop dead in his tracks and come running.
Loving his breakfast.
People touching him - as mentioned before he has a sensory issue, so unless he wants to hold your hand, hug you, cuddle, ect, he gets very upset. 
Being dirty - he is the only kid I know that insists on having a napkin with EVERY meal, and once it's dirty he wants a new one. 
Eating - again with the sensory issue, we have been told that he can't tell how much food is actually in his mouth, so he will stuff and stuff and stuff his mouth until he can close his mouth. He also forgets that he likes different foods. So we have to convince him to try a bite. Once we can get him to do that he will pretty much eat anything. 
Zoo day!
Communicating - his words are coming along VERY VERY slowly, but with that struggle he has learned how to use noises and hand gestures to get most of his thoughts understood. It may not be where he "should" be, but we are so proud of the progress he has made. 
Staying in nursery all by himself - we have been taking his to nursery every Sunday and every Sunday either myself or Vinnie has had to stay, because he would freak out if we left (even though Lucas was with him), but within the last two months he has successfully gone to both hours of nursery without us 4 times.
Being comfortable with others - he has always been very aprehensive of people who weren't mommy or daddy, but he has FINALLY started to let other people approach him.
Brotherly love!

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