Tuesday, July 8, 2014

18 months

18 months
Holy cow, it feels like I haven’t written in a million years. I guess that is because so much has happened with Lucas in the last 3 months. Since our last blog, many things have changed. I guess the first thing to change was Lucas was blessed to have another cousin join his group of friends. My sister Nicole had a beautiful baby girl named Neko on May 1st. We were so excited when we were able to finally go and meet her. The next thing that happened was Lucas took his first plane ride, he did amazing!! He also got to swim in a real pool for the first time on that trip. Then, I started summer break, so Lucas and mommy stay home together all day. Which is amazing and wonderful, and a whole lot of work!!! The last HUGE thing that has happened in Lucas’ life is he became a big brother!!! We won’t talk too much about that one in this blog, but we are so excited to have little brother around to hug and kiss and steal his pacifier. Our little man is getting so big and so grown up, it’s hard to believe all he has accomplished in 18 months of life.
17 months
Height - 2'11" - 99th percentile
Weight - 31lbs 2oz - 98th percentile
Head - 19.5 inches - 94th percentile
16 months

Getting into trouble – I feel like he has a 6th sense about what he is absolutely NOT supposed to touch or play with, and that becomes his mission, to figure out how he can get to that thing without getting caught.
Running – His uncle makes fun of him for his running stance, but he sure can move fast when he decides to get moving.
Outside – If anyone even mentions the outside, or someone opens a door, he thinks that he is going to get to go out and play.
His doggies – I’m not so sure they feel the same way about him, but he loves to pet them and hug them and play “chase” with them all day long… eventually they wander as far away from him as they can.
Water – this last month Lucas and I did mommy and me swim lessons that he just loved to go to. I can’t say the same for myself, but it was worth it to see the smile on his face every time we got into the water.
Helping with the dishes – he thinks it’s the greatest when mommy is unloading the dishwasher, because he will come over and grab things and hand them to me, he will even go put things where they go if they are in his reach.
Opening/Shutting/Locking doors – sadly because Lucas is so dang tall he is able to do all of those things, the other day I was out of town, and Vinnie informed me Lucas not only locked daddy out of the bedroom but also the master bathroom, so Vinnie had to pick two locks just to get to Lucas.
His brother – every morning he tells his little brother hi and then gives him a hug and a kiss. Then throughout the day he will stop playing and run over and go love on him again. He also really likes to make him giggle.
First time in the pool!
Water fun!

Meat – the kid has never been a picky eater in his life, but now that we serve him the same thing we eat every night, we have found out that he wants nothing to do with meat. Please keep telling me he will eventually grow out of it, I sure hope he does!
Being told no – he is definitely a little bit spoiled, and so he “thinks” he can get away with anything… so he does not respond well to being told he can’t
His car seat – he hates hates hates being confined in the car seat, he has figured out how to squeeze his arms out… it drives me absolutely NUTS!
Diaper change – I don’t know if this is a sign that he is ready to move forward with potty training, or if he just hates to hold still(I’m going with the second idea).
His brother – as much as he loves his new little brother… he also hates sharing the attention. If something is wrong with brother, something automatically becomes wrong with Lucas. Luckily for us, both mommy and daddy are here to help each boy!

2nd hair cut! His hair grows so fast!
Singing – Lucas has officially mastered singing songs. He can sing the tune of “Let it Go”, “ABC song”, and “Twinkle Twinkle” and many many other tunes that we have no idea what are.
Real words – it seems like every day his is gaining more and more words in his vocabulary. He is pretty cute with his mixed baby/real word conversations.
Climbing – he is capable of getting pretty much anywhere he wants… even if you don’t want him there. The other day I put him down for a nap and then I heard screaming coming from his room. He had climbed over the crib and was hanging for dear life on the edge hoping to not fall off.
Moved into a big boy chair at the table – I don’t know if this is really an accomplishment, but we are pretty excited about the change!
Movement – this kid loves to run, and walk backwards, and crawl backwards, and do just about anything you can think of to be mobile. The only time of day when we can get him to stop is nap/bed time… which in reality he doesn’t stop then either. We will lay him down at one end of his crib and he always ends up somewhere completely different when we go get him.

I’m sure there is much much more that I should be writing for him, but he growing so fast I feel like I can’t keep up with him. 
Meeting cousin Neko, and of course Dylan is there too!
Somebody loves Batman(it's daddy)

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

15 months

15 month & seeing Whitney!
Now that Lucas is 1, I have decided to only blog every 3 months. In the last 3 months , Lucas has literally transformed from our little baby to a little boy. He is the absolute joy of our life. We can’t even imagine what life was like before him… and honestly we probably don’t want to. He makes every minute of our life fun!
13 months old

Height - 2'8" - 78th percentile
Weight - 28lbs 15oz - 98th percentile
Head - 18.7 inches - 69th percentile
His very first hair cut! 
The couch – He has recently decided that the couch is super cool…. But it is not super cool to have mom and dad lift him up. So he figured out how to lift his leg and roll himself right up onto the couch.
Playing – He has figured out a lot of things about his toys, mainly which ones are big enough to put something else in.
His bikes – He got 2 little bikes for his birthday and has HATED them and unwilling to even try to ride them. Recently he has figured out how to climb on and ride around all on his own and now he plays on them whenever he gets a chance.
Food – This kid has never struggled with food, but we absolutely love that he is willing to try anything we put in front of him. And most of all we LOVE how much he loves fruit!
Dancing – It is adorable, any time a song comes on he stops whatever he is doing and either gets up and dances or bobs his head to the song.
14 months
Getting in trouble – Lucas is most definitely one of those kids that pushes the boundaries as far as he can… and his father will tell you, I let it go too far most of the time. When he does finally push too far he gets told no and gets time outs and such… and he has learned to throw quite a fit about it all.
Not getting his way – He is a lot like his mommy in this sense, if it doesn't go his way he throws a pretty great fit.
Love his eyes!
Walking – One day Lucas decided he wanted to walk, so he stood up and he did. After that day he took about 2 days to have it down, now he runs around the house everywhere.
Talking – He still is pretty hard to understand, but he has added quite a few words into his vocabulary. The cutest one is when something bad happens, I always respond “uh oh” to him and now he will respond back “UHT OH” and when he says the oh part he makes a full circle with his mouth.
Closing doors – This one drives me crazy, because he will run to his room and close the door all the time. He also likes to close daddy out of the bedroom when we are trying to get ready. It however, is really cute when he will close the door we are walking out of.
Feeding himself – He doesn’t normally like “help” from mom or dad to eat, he wants to feed it to himself, and for the most part unless it needs to be eaten with a fork or spoon, we try to let him feed himself.  

Hugs and Kisses – He gives the most amazing hugs ever… and will just run up with a huge smile on his face and wrap his arms around your legs. He also loves to kiss, he hasn’t quite figured out how it really works but he opens his mouth as wide as he can and presses his lips up against your cheek, it’s pretty dang cute!
Spring Break Lunch Date with Daddy!

I’m sure there is much much more that I should be writing for him, but he growing so fast I feel like I can’t keep up with him. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Our One Year Old!!

Lucas with mommy and Lilli on his birthday.
Twelve months already! It feels like this year has passed by in the blink of an eye. Our little boy is no longer this little tiny baby, he is now this sweet little man that gets into just about anything. Some days I wonder how we are going to be  “good” parents to Lucas when literally everything he does causes one or both of us to start laughing. He has figured out EVERYTHING he is supposed to leave alone and has decided those are the only things he wants to play with. He has this amazing little grin that says very clearly, “I know I shouldn’t be doing this, but I am so dang cute I’m going to do it anyway.”
Pictures done by Sammy Jean Photography

Height - 30.5 inches - 78%
Weight - 24lbs 1.3oz - 87%
Head - 18.5 inces - 75%
He is so cute!
Exploring – he really wants to learn about everything good or bad, so he will investigate all that we will let him.
Bath time – I keep thinking he will get bored of baths, but every time he gets so excited that I just want to let him take baths every time he gets fussy.
His dogs – I’m not so sure they feel the same way about him, but he loves to chase them around and pull their hair.
“Walking” – he can’t do it by himself but he will walk in an L shape back and forth around the couch.
Standing – he has figured out how to stand all by himself, but he doesn’t want anyone else to know… so as soon as someone notices he plops down on the ground.


Baby food – he still loves his fruits, but he has decided he will not eat any of the vegetables or the meats… he will however eat any of those things if they are the same food that mommy and daddy are eating.
Getting his nose cleaned – he got very sick again this month, and of course that came with a runny nose, cough… and he HATED every second of it.
Being left – it doesn’t matter if one parent has stayed in the room with him, if one of us starts to walk out of the room he isin, he starts to fuss and chase after which ever person is walking away.
Cousin fun

Talking – he has quite the baby vocabulary these days, he has a few words he says all the time, and then a couple that only get said on special occasions. He loves “dada” and says it pretty much all the time, he also knows “mama”, “hi”, “goggy”, “yes”, and “bye”.
Clapping – he loves to clap, and if he hears a noise that even sounds like clapping he will start clapping himself.
Shaking his head no – I’m not sure where he learned it but any time we tell him no, he starts frantically shaking his head back and forth.
Walking with help and Standing alone – he really loves to do both, we are pretty sure we almost have a walker!

Biting food – we have finally hit the point where we don’t have to tear pieces of food off for him, he is figuring out how to bite it himself, it’s pretty cute to watch him with his 3 little teeth trying to break off a piece of the food!
"What, I'm not doing anything!!"