Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Our One Year Old!!

Lucas with mommy and Lilli on his birthday.
Twelve months already! It feels like this year has passed by in the blink of an eye. Our little boy is no longer this little tiny baby, he is now this sweet little man that gets into just about anything. Some days I wonder how we are going to be  “good” parents to Lucas when literally everything he does causes one or both of us to start laughing. He has figured out EVERYTHING he is supposed to leave alone and has decided those are the only things he wants to play with. He has this amazing little grin that says very clearly, “I know I shouldn’t be doing this, but I am so dang cute I’m going to do it anyway.”
Pictures done by Sammy Jean Photography

Height - 30.5 inches - 78%
Weight - 24lbs 1.3oz - 87%
Head - 18.5 inces - 75%
He is so cute!
Exploring – he really wants to learn about everything good or bad, so he will investigate all that we will let him.
Bath time – I keep thinking he will get bored of baths, but every time he gets so excited that I just want to let him take baths every time he gets fussy.
His dogs – I’m not so sure they feel the same way about him, but he loves to chase them around and pull their hair.
“Walking” – he can’t do it by himself but he will walk in an L shape back and forth around the couch.
Standing – he has figured out how to stand all by himself, but he doesn’t want anyone else to know… so as soon as someone notices he plops down on the ground.


Baby food – he still loves his fruits, but he has decided he will not eat any of the vegetables or the meats… he will however eat any of those things if they are the same food that mommy and daddy are eating.
Getting his nose cleaned – he got very sick again this month, and of course that came with a runny nose, cough… and he HATED every second of it.
Being left – it doesn’t matter if one parent has stayed in the room with him, if one of us starts to walk out of the room he isin, he starts to fuss and chase after which ever person is walking away.
Cousin fun

Talking – he has quite the baby vocabulary these days, he has a few words he says all the time, and then a couple that only get said on special occasions. He loves “dada” and says it pretty much all the time, he also knows “mama”, “hi”, “goggy”, “yes”, and “bye”.
Clapping – he loves to clap, and if he hears a noise that even sounds like clapping he will start clapping himself.
Shaking his head no – I’m not sure where he learned it but any time we tell him no, he starts frantically shaking his head back and forth.
Walking with help and Standing alone – he really loves to do both, we are pretty sure we almost have a walker!

Biting food – we have finally hit the point where we don’t have to tear pieces of food off for him, he is figuring out how to bite it himself, it’s pretty cute to watch him with his 3 little teeth trying to break off a piece of the food!
"What, I'm not doing anything!!"