Saturday, August 29, 2015

Our Unexpected Addition

For those of you who know me, you know that all I've ever wanted to be was a mother, so when Vinnie and I had so much difficulty with miscarriages, we started to believe we wouldn't ever have kids. When Lucas finally came along, we were the happiest people on earth. We were happy to just have our one sweet boy. 

So now let's fast forward to March 2014, when I got a very unexpected e-mail from Vinnie's little sister. In short she had given birth to a beautiful baby boy in November(just 10 short months after I had given birth to Lucas) and was unable to care for him. In her e-mail she asked Vinnie and I if we would be willing to take on her baby as our own. Could we be that crazy??? I mean we had our own 14 month old at home, we were first time parents... we were still learning the ropes. Well after a lot of discussion and prayer Vinnie and I knew there was only one answer, yes! So we started the process to adopt. On July 1st, 2014, I flew to Coeur d'Alene to a hearing to find out if the judge felt we were a good fit. After a very short court hearing, I walked out with a 7 month old baby in my arms. A little overwhelmed he and I went and checked into our hotel for the night and flew back to Boise the next day.

Since that day we have been an unofficial family of 4. But as of August 20th, 2015 we are an official family of 4. That was the day we adopted Coby William Hankla. We are the very proud parents of two amazingly crazy boys and wouldn't have it any other way. 

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