Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Five Months

Love his pants and jeans... and notice his HANDS!
More hands....
Every month, I can’t believe how much bigger Lucas gets. This month is no exception. Every day I seem to notice something new, or his clothes seem to fit a little different than the day before. We are enjoying every moment of this little guy's life! People ask us all the time if he is always as happy as he seems when we are out and about, and luckily for us, the answer is yes. He spends most of his time being happy and smiley, which makes the unhappy times seem just a little more bearable! We don’t have stats for this months post but I’m pretty sure our little chunky monkey is finally going to be closer to that 50th percentile in weight next month!
More eating of his hands!

  • Talking – he has recently discovered just what his vocal cords can do, and trust me he is trying out just about every sound he can think of. He will sit and talk for hours if you will let him. He especially likes it when you will respond back to him in “his language”.
  • His Hands – this one we aren’t too fond of, but he really loves to suck on his hands, and if you tell him not to he will get a big grin on his face and giggle and stick it right back in. One day Vinnie was determined to not let his hands be in his mouth and was watching him extra close and our little stinker still managed to sneak his hands in.
  •  Laughing – he pretty much thinks everything is funny. No matter what is happening or who is talking he seems to find humor in it. He came to see me at work one day and he just laughed and laughed at everything and everyone.
  • Smiling – he is quite the charmer. Even if he is upset for some reason if he sees someone looking his way he will flash the biggest grin you could imagine.
  • Cereal – he gobbles it all down so quickly… if only his tummy liked it as much as he does.

One cool dude!
  • Bed time/nap time – it is THE ONLY time this kid really screams. But when it’s time for sleep you better believe you will hear this kid. He has perfected his "I don’t want to sleep" cry.
  • His car seat :( - we have reached the point where he is just a little to long for his car seat, and it is starting to be warm outside, so he sweats in his seat. And he just seems to hate getting in it anymore.
  • The camera – he seems to get really shy any time I pull out my camera or my phone to take a picture or a video.
First time using a spoon.
  •  Talking – again he just loves to have conversations with us.
  • Eating from a spoon – I don’t know how he figured it out so fast, but he is really really good with a spoon.
  • Moving – he has figured out how to get himself from point A to point B really well. Whether he rolls to get there or uses his strong little legs to push himself forward. It is really quite amazing. I’m pretty sure we are going to have a crawling baby pretty soon.
  •    Grabbing – he has been working on this one for months, but he has finally fine tuned grabbing the thing he wants. My sister, Kimi, has been babysitting him while I finished school, and the other day I went to pick him up and Lilli looked at me and said “Do you know he likes to grab hairs?” Sadly that is one of his favorite things to grab(as it is for most babies). 
Mother's Day

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