Friday, July 5, 2013

Six Months

Happy 4th of July!

I can’t believe our little man is already half a year old already! Time seems to be flying by. This past month was a fun one for mommy, being off work and getting to see Lucas 24/7 has been a real treat. He is becoming such a funny little guy, he is definitely a goofball like his parents. He is a perfect fit for our little family. I can honestly say Lucas has changed daddy and mommy for the better. We just love our little guy to pieces.


Height – 28in.- 93rd (he's a tall boy!)

Weight - 18.2 - 65th (yay!)

Head - 43.18 - 42nd

He loves being on his belly!


  • Talking/screaming – he really loves to hear his own voice, whether it’s talking or just screaming with excitement. His screams are so loud that some days I think he is going to bust my eardrum. His favorite phrase is “goi goi goi” or as Vinnie would like to say “goy goy goy”(either way its super adorable).
  • Rolling – he has known how to roll from both sides for a little while, but just this month he has realized that the rolling process can get him where he wants. Some days I swear I look away for 5 seconds and he is on the other side of the floor by the time I look back.
  • Eating – he gets so excited when we make him a bottle or cereal. He will grab for it and then giggle when he can finally get to his food. 
  • Dakota – he has recently noticed the “other” things living in the house. Oliver is still keeping his distance so there hasn’t been much bonding on that front. But, Kota loves people so the second Lucas showed interest she was ready and willing. Lucas will pet Kota and also let Kota lick him without any issues. 
    Lucas' new best friend


  • His food being gone – when try to take the bottle from him he will chomp down so we can’t take it away, then once we finally do his will stare longingly in the direction of the bottle. As if the stare itself will bring the bottle back. Then when that doesn’t work he tries to lunge towards it in hopes he can catch it. He doesn’t quite realize that even if we gave it back, it would still be empty.
  • Daddy being gone – daddy has been working REALLY long hours lately and so Lucas only sees him in the morning for about 10minutes. When he is home on his days off Lucas will literally stare at him all day long just to make sure his isn’t leave again.
  • Not moving the way his wants – he has figured out the “stance” for crawling… but has not put the hand and leg concept together yet, so he will try to move forward and he actually ends up scooting backwards instead of going forwards. It makes him incredibly angry… but hopefully the fact that he continues to do it means he is getting close to crawling.
  • Nap time – he pretty much hates not being around for whatever is going on… so he NEVER wants to take a nap.
    That was a roll and scoot

  •  Vegetables – he is officially a vegetable eater, and so far so good.
  • Moving – although he doesn’t always like the way he is moving, he is really good at getting around. It scares me because I never know where he is going to end up.
  • Playing – he really loves his toys, and has finally started picking what he wants and spending time playing with that particular item.
  • Throwing - as I said last month he LOVES eating his hands, and he has figured out if he throws his pacifier he will get a few seconds of eating his hands with not fight at all.

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