Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Four Months

Lucas loves George.

This month has proven to be just a great as all the others. I think every day we love Lucas more and more. This little guy has really changed our family for the best. He can make the absolute worst day turn to a great day just by smiling at us. I know I’m driving people crazy, because all I want to ever do is talk about him.


Height –26 inches -  83rd percentile

Weight - 14lbs 12oz - 32nd percentile :(

Head - 41.91cm - 56th percentile

The doctor also told us today that he is ready to move on to solid foods!
Angry face.


  • Playing with daddy – he likes playing with mommy but the squeals and giggles he makes while playing with daddy are amazing.
  • Baths – he has finally figured out that if he kicks or hits he will splash, and he LOVES it!
  •  Toys – he has 3 toys that make him happy no matter what is happening around him. He has his Sophie, George, and Herman (thanks to his daddy for 2 of those names….)
  • Playing with his jungle – its a music maker that has toys that move around, it entertains him for hours.
His jungle.


  • Being tired but not wanting to sleep – he fights sleep all the time and just screams and screams until he just can’t stay awake anymore.


  • Rolling – he can now roll from his belly to his back and from his back to his belly… and he quite enjoys doing so.
  • Sleeping in his crib – we have now made it 8 or so days in the crib and he doesn’t fight it at all any more.
  • Holding his bottle – he can’t do it for his whole feeding, but he will hold his own bottle for a good portion of his feeding.
So cute!

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