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15 month & seeing Whitney! |
13 months old |
Height - 2'8" - 78th percentile
Weight - 28lbs 15oz - 98th percentile
Head - 18.7 inches - 69th percentile
His very first hair cut! |
The couch – He has
recently decided that the couch is super cool…. But it is not super cool to
have mom and dad lift him up. So he figured out how to lift his leg and roll
himself right up onto the couch.
Playing – He has figured
out a lot of things about his toys, mainly which ones are big enough to put
something else in.
His bikes – He got 2
little bikes for his birthday and has HATED them and unwilling to even try to
ride them. Recently he has figured out how to climb on and ride around all on
his own and now he plays on them whenever he gets a chance.
Food – This kid has never
struggled with food, but we absolutely love that he is willing to try anything
we put in front of him. And most of all we LOVE how much he loves fruit!
Dancing – It is adorable,
any time a song comes on he stops whatever he is doing and either gets up and
dances or bobs his head to the song.
Getting in trouble –
Lucas is most definitely one of those kids that pushes the boundaries as far as
he can… and his father will tell you, I let it go too far most of the time. When he does finally push too far he gets told no and gets time outs and such…
and he has learned to throw quite a fit about it all.
Not getting his way – He is
a lot like his mommy in this sense, if it doesn't go his way he throws a pretty
great fit.
Walking – One day Lucas
decided he wanted to walk, so he stood up and he did. After that day he took
about 2 days to have it down, now he runs around the house everywhere.
Talking – He still is
pretty hard to understand, but he has added quite a few words into his
vocabulary. The cutest one is when something bad happens, I always respond “uh
oh” to him and now he will respond back “UHT OH” and when he says the oh part
he makes a full circle with his mouth.
Closing doors – This one
drives me crazy, because he will run to his room and close the door all the time.
He also likes to close daddy out of the bedroom when we are trying to get
ready. It however, is really cute when he will close the door we are walking
out of.
Feeding himself – He doesn’t
normally like “help” from mom or dad to eat, he wants to feed it to
himself, and for the most part unless it needs to be eaten with a fork or
spoon, we try to let him feed himself.
Hugs and Kisses – He gives
the most amazing hugs ever… and will just run up with a huge smile on his face
and wrap his arms around your legs. He also loves to kiss, he hasn’t quite
figured out how it really works but he opens his mouth as wide as he can and
presses his lips up against your cheek, it’s pretty dang cute!
I’m sure there is much
much more that I should be writing for him, but he growing so fast I feel like
I can’t keep up with him.