Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Two Months

2 months old
Well our little man is 2 months old already, and still the most amazing baby in the world. I don't think a day goes by that we aren't thankful for our little miracle. We have learned so much from this little guy. It really is hard to think of a time without him, he completes our little family.

Height - 24inches - 86 percentile
Weight - 11lbs 8oz - 46 percentile
Head - 39.37cm - 35 percentile

shots are no fun!

  • His pacifier(this should be a love not a like) - I think his favorite game is "lets see how many times I can spit this out and get it back"
  • Disney music - Mainly I think he loves how silly mommy gets when its on, and when she dances with him to it.
  • Cuddling mommy - he does his best sleeping with me.
  • Fidget time - every day he lays on his back and kicks and throws his arms around for a half hour or more. The entire time he is doing this he is just squealing and laughing.
  • Waiting - when he decides it is time for something he wants it RIGHT then.
  • Being cold - his little lip always quivers and then he just screams!

  • He is a champ at holding his head.
  • He wants to see everything around him, his eyes are constantly looking at all the new things around him.
  • He is amazing at grasping things and unwilling to let go.
  • Laughing - it melts my heat every time!

loving fidget time!