Friday, February 1, 2013

One Month

1 month old
It’s crazy to think we are already to the point where Lucas is a whole month old! He has been such an amazing blessing to our home. I am pretty sure Lucas is the best thing I’ve (we’ve – I’m sure Vinnie would agree with me on that) ever done. He is absolutely perfect and wonderful. Everyone keeps asking us how we are surviving with a newborn at home… like we are supposed to be having a hard time, but we must have been given the best baby ever. He sleeps through the night, he doesn’t cry too often, and he seems pretty happy to just be held by someone.

 •Cuddling – especially all day long with mommy when dad goes to work(not sure why or how he knows daddy is gone… but he does)
•His pacifier – it is his favorite thing in the world.
•Music – he and daddy will lay and listen to it and he is just happy as can be.
•Car rides – he will sleep forever as long as the car is moving.

•Diaper changes/getting dressed or undressed – anything that has to do with making him cold!
•Baths – I think that has to do with being cold also, but I haven’t figured out the real reason for that yet.
•WAITING – he cannot handle having to wait a few minutes for his bottle to be made.
•Being put in his car seat – he loves it once he is in, but he hates the process of getting in.

•He is getting really good at lifting his head (only for a few seconds but its pretty awesome)!
•He is really good with his hands. He can push his own pacifier back in, he also likes to pull his pacifier out and then just hold it in his hand.
•He is an amazing sleeper, AMAZING!

I absolutely love this little guy; he is everything I have ever hoped for.
Bath time
He loves to sleep!

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