Saturday, January 19, 2013

Lucas Monte Hankla

During my pregnancy as most women do, I woke up quite frequently to go to the bathroom. When I woke up around 3:30am on January the 4th, things didn't seem any different than normal. Until I got out of bed and realized I had just "wet my pants". Little did I know that it was actually my water breaking. After having quite the freak out about it being "too early" Vinnie and I headed off to the hospital. I was positive I was being crazy, but at 4:40am I was admitted to the hospital. I won't go into too much detail, but unlike most women my water broke before I even started having contractions, so they had to give me medicine to get things moving. After an incredibly long day and after my epidural had already worn off, I finally gave birth to Lucas at 8:55pm. He was 3 weeks early but weighed in at 7lbs 10oz and was 21in. long. He is absolutely amazing! He is the perfect addition to our little family, he makes us so very happy!

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