Wednesday, January 7, 2015

2 years

Has it really already been 2 years since we welcomed Lucas into this world? It feels like just yesterday I was holding our little guy for the first time. He has definitely made life interesting for us! In the last two years he has really become his own person. Every day, we see his personality a little more. He is most definitely wild and crazy(all the time!!) and full of energy that we have no idea where it comes from. He is adventurous and too brave for mommy and inquisitive all at the same time. He is most definitely the perfect first child for this family!
For Halloween he and his brother were Batman and Robin!
Height - 2'11.5" - 85th percentile
Weight - 34 lbs - 96th percentile
We miss summer!
In the last few months Lucas has learned so many new things. I think the biggest thing is he finally is getting to the point where he verbally can hold a conversation. Most people still don't understand him, but Vinnie and I can pretty much tell what is being talked about 90% of the time. 
He has also figured out just about anything and everything you want kids to take a long time to figure out. He knows how to open and close doors, along with locking them... we knew those dang safety covers were in our future....On top of that he knows how to climb into, under, on top of anything in the house... so nothing is safe around here.
Other than that we really just have a happy boy that loves to play and run around as much as possible. He has really become an amazing big brother to our little one, and loves having a "doder" to take care of and play with. 
Just like his daddy!
Lorax Party

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