Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Eleven Months

Merry Christmas!
Okay, I think it’s time for Lucas to stop getting so big, so fast. I can’t believe we are to the point where we are counting down to him being a year old. I feel like it was yesterday I was lying in the hospital bed holding my brand new baby in my arms. As always Lucas is quite the character, he has learned some very “fun” new things that he likes to do all the time. Each day he is evolving into his own person. It’s funny to watch the things he does that reminds me a little bit of each parent. He has definitely got his daddy’s “I’m going to do this whether you like it or not” smirk.
We went to see Santa, as you can see Lucas was thrilled!
  • His “da” – I’m not even joking that he will sit around the house and scream “DADADA” for hours on end when Vinnie isn't home. He thinks his “da” is pretty much the most fun person in the world.
  • Playing hard – what kid doesn't love to play?
  • His “goggies” – he has only said goggy twice but he will crawl as fast as he can to get his dogs any time possible. Oliver doesn't seem to mind it much(which is odd) but Dakota tends to run away to the furthest place possible.
  • Christmas lights – with the holidays coming so soon we have seen quite a few lights in stores, also we decorated on Thanksgiving and took him out to see the lights. He was in a trance the whole time we were outside.
  • Chase – he loves daycare, but he loves his little friend Chase I think most of all. He’s learned some lovely things from him…. Like shutting doors all around the house just because.

Our little batman.

  • Food – I know how can this be? Every post prior to this one talks about how he will eat pretty much anything. Well in the last month he has either gotten picky or his mouth is really hurting him because of teething, because he has decided he will only eat some things. If he decides he doesn't like it he will make a face and then slowly stick his tongue out and let it fall on his bib.
  • Having his nose touched – he hates getting his nose cleaned, but he even hates when someone gets near his nose, it’s like he thinks we are always going to try to get stuff out of his nose.

This is daddy's favorite picture. 
  • Clapping – he pretty much will clap at anything he does. He will even try to do it with his hands full of toys. It’s pretty great. If you say “yay Lucas” he will stop what he is doing so he can clap.
  • Shaking his head no – I guess we tell him no far too often, because if he knows he is doing something he shouldn't he will turn around and look at us and get this sly look on his face and then shake his head no back and forth like crazy and giggle.
  • Walking with help – he loves to use the couch, chairs, peoples legs to get himself where he wants just a little bit faster. It leads me to believe he will start walking soon… but any time we try to hold his hands and let him walk, he decides it’s more fun to jump. So who knows when he will finally start walking on his own.
    Happy Thanksgiving from our turkey bum!

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