Friday, October 4, 2013

Nine Months

Seriously, we are already ¾ of the way through Lucas’ first year?!?  He is getting so big, so fast. People all the time ask me if he is walking when we are out and about, and when I respond that he is only 9 months, they look at me like I am crazy. Everyone seems to think he is much older than he actually is, that is probably due to his height.


Height – 30.25in – 98th (he's a tall boy!)

Weight – 22.5lbs – 88th

Head – 46.36cm – 86th

  • Crawling – one day he literally woke up and decided it was time. He didn't struggle or wobble or anything. He just got up and went for it.
  • Getting into everything – he has like a 6th sense for what he ISN'T supposed to be into… and of course that is the one thing he desperately wants.
  • Daycare – he absolutely loves the interaction with all of the other kids.
  • Bath time – as soon as we take him into the bathroom he starts bouncing and laughing because he seriously loves it more than anything in the world.
  • Sliding on the kitchen floor – now that he can crawl he has discovered how amazing it is to slip and slide on the linoleum.
  • Lying on his side – it seems so girly to me, but he loves to sit leaning on his side with his little legs crossed.
  • ·  Getting his nose cleaned – I know this is true for all babies, but he has spent a lot of time sick, and I swear he gets upset just when he sees us coming. Vinnie claims the other day when he picked up the sucker he heard Lucas say something similar to “cwap”.
  • ·   His socks – I can’t get the kid to keep them on, and his toes are always cold.
  • Crawling – I swore he was never going to get there, but he finally finally finally started crawling!!
  • Eating solids – mommy is a little apprehensive, but he has officially started eating “normal” people food when he can convince mommy to let him try it.
  • Talking – he will now call for his “ma” and his “ba”.

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